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Mortgage Calculators

Use our mortgage calculators to help you prequalify for your next mortgage

Capital 360 mortgage calculators

Whether you’re buying a new home, refinancing an existing mortgage or consolidating debt, knowing where you stand is key.

Are you financially prepared to make your dreams a reality? How much can you comfortably afford? Use our full suite of mortgage calculators to figure out everything from loan amortization schedules, interest, and estimated monthly payments.

And if you have any questions at any time, call a Capital 360 Mortgage Agent at 416-346-6779 to help explain the whole process. They’re there to help you create the perfect mortgage plan for you.

How mortgage calculators work

A mortgage calculator is an indispensable tool when it comes to searching for a property to buy. Designed to help you calculate a mortgage payment and amortization schedule, they give you the ability to understand what you can, and can’t afford when house hunting.

Calculations are made based on all the factors that go into purchasing a home: purchase price, interest rate, and amortization length. It may also ask for other factors including estimated heating costs and condo fees.

What you can learn from using a mortgage calculator

By calculating all your expenses with a mortgage calculator, you can learn everything you need to know to make an educated real estate purchase.

Whether you are making a down payment, or a first time home buyer down payment, a mortgage calculator will give you a full breakdown of the costs you can expect when making your purchase including:

  • The size of down payment you will need to make 
  • Insurance requirements
  • The total amount you’ll need to finance
  • Your principal and interest payments
  • Estimated annual heating costs
  • Estimated condo fees and taxes
  • How much income you’ll need to cover it all